Our Story

I did not choose to be a stay at home mom; it chose me. My son Dempsey, was born in 2014, He lost oxygen during his delivery causing brain damage. He now has several diagnosis including Cerebral Palsy and Achondroplasia(dwarfism). Because of these conditions Dempsey could not attend daycare, and I quit teaching preschool to care for him. Due to illness and health complications, Dempsey was in and out of the hospital for the first year of life. Then and now, our days are filled with doctor appointments and physical and occupational therapy. Dempsey has made unbelievable gains and amazed all of his specialists. I love devoting my life to help Dempsey’s and brother Dom’s development.

Dempsey is now nine, in third grade. Our days are spent putting him through his “workouts,” reading, swimming, swinging, and playing with his little brothers, Dom(6), and Tyson(new). Some time ago, my aunt Terrie taught me how to bake and decorate the exceptional cookies I now create. As I have honed my skills, I have developed a passion for crafting personalized cookies for others. I love having another passion other than my kids. I have so much fun creating and decorating cute and delicious cookies.